This department is headed by the Municipal Manager – the Accounting Officer of the Municipality. The Municipal Manager chars the Management team and is the head of municipal administration.
This Office is the highest administrative office of the Municipality and is responsible for the overall efficient and effective administration of the Municipality. This office also provides holistic, strategic support within the organisation.
It is primarily responsible for strategy and policy, strategic research, integrated development planning, performance management and reporting, and high-level co-ordination of municipal entity oversight.
The Office of the Municipal Manager works closely with the Executive Committee to make sure that the vision and mission of the Council becomes reality.
The offices of the Mayor and the Municipal Manager are linked to strengthen the implementing of political decisions.
The Office ensures proper alignment of policy development, monitoring and evaluation, and alignment of programmes and initiatives with the political agenda of the Executive Committee.
The Office of the Municipal Manager is made up of several key divisions:
- Corporate Strategy & Shared Services
- Political Support and Corporate Communication
- Internal Audit
- Legal Services