| | | CONSTRUCTION OF A 200MM DIAMETER x 8KM LONG STEEL AND 200MM X 4KM LONG PVC-M CLASS 20 RISING MAIN FROM KWAMADLADLA PUMPING STATION TO QWABE RESERVOIR, TWO NEW PUMPSTATIONS at DOMBA AND KWAMADLADLA | N/A | 80/20 | Appileh Nandie Engineering | R41,003,064.85 | 510 | Construction | 143-2024 | 6/13/2024 7:30 AM | 6/28/2024 4:00 PM | 6/12/2024 1:09 PM | Neshika Sunker | 6/12/2024 1:10 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | PROVISION OF A PANEL FOR THE EMERGENCY RELIEF SERVICES WITHIN UGU DISRICT MUNICIPALITY FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTHS | 36 | 80/20 | Please click on the Paperclip icon on the right to view list of companies | | 509 | Operating Services | 142-2024 | 5/2/2024 7:30 AM | 5/17/2024 4:00 PM | 5/2/2024 2:15 PM | Neshika Sunker | 5/2/2024 2:16 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Provision of Standard Security guarding services at various offices of the Ugu District Municipality and plants for a period of thirty six (36) months | 36 | 80/20 | Please click on the Paperclip icon on the right to view list of companies and Total Cost inclusive of VAT | | 508 | Consulting Services | 140-2024 | 4/26/2024 7:30 AM | 5/10/2024 4:00 PM | 4/26/2024 11:22 AM | Neshika Sunker | 5/2/2024 2:10 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Dunjazane Water pipeline & pumpstation emergency scheme construction of 110MM diameter UPVC pumping main of 2KM pumpstation reticulation standpipes and 500KL Reservoir | N/A | 80/20 | Dynamo-Duck Trading and Projects 192 cc | R10,000,000.00 | 507 | Construction | 141-2024 | 4/26/2024 7:30 AM | 5/10/2024 4:00 PM | 4/26/2024 11:07 AM | Neshika Sunker | 5/2/2024 2:10 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COMPUTER SERVERS | N/A | 80/20 | Business Connexion (Pty) Ltd | R1,709,300.11 | 506 | ICT Services | 139-2024 | 3/13/2024 7:30 AM | 3/28/2024 4:00 PM | 3/14/2024 10:46 AM | Neshika Sunker | 3/27/2024 3:55 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PRODUCTION AND BACKUP STORAGE | N/A | 80/20 | Business Connexion (Pty) Ltd | R1,238,712.14 | 505 | ICT Services | 138-2024 | 3/13/2024 7:30 AM | 3/28/2024 4:00 PM | 3/14/2024 10:43 AM | Neshika Sunker | 3/27/2024 3:55 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | PROVISION OF LICENSING AND SLA FOR THE SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE EXISTING ROUTMASTER CLOUD METER READING APPLICATION SOFTWARE FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTHS | 36 | 80/20 | Consolidated African Technologies (Pty) Ltd | R1,367,677.16 | 504 | ICT Services | 137-2024 | 3/13/2024 7:30 AM | 3/28/2024 4:00 PM | 3/14/2024 10:40 AM | Neshika Sunker | 3/27/2024 3:54 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Provision of M-Files Application Software License & Service Level Agreement For a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Moths | 36 | 80/20 | The Document Warehouse (Pty) Ltd | R1,604,078.79 | 501 | ICT Services | 134-2024 | 2/17/2024 7:30 AM | 3/1/2024 4:00 PM | 2/16/2024 11:54 AM | Neshika Sunker | 2/16/2024 12:08 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Kwalembe 6.5ml water Treatment works and River Abstraction works (Re-Tender) | N/A | 90/10 | GINGORNDIN METHODS TRADING | R148,760,251.18 | 500 | Operating Services | 133-2024 | 2/17/2024 7:30 AM | 3/1/2024 4:00 PM | 2/16/2024 11:51 AM | Neshika Sunker | 2/16/2024 12:07 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Supply and Delivery of Laptops and Peripherals | N/A | 80/20 | CHM Vuwani | R465,086.45 | 502 | Supply & Delivery | 135-2024 | 2/17/2024 7:30 AM | 3/1/2024 4:00 PM | 2/16/2024 11:57 AM | Neshika Sunker | 2/16/2024 12:01 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Provision of Property Database Ugu District Manucipality for a Period of Thirthy-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Ekhaya Search (Pty) Ltd | | 503 | Rentals | 136-2024 | 2/17/2024 7:30 AM | 3/1/2024 4:00 PM | 2/16/2024 11:59 AM | Neshika Sunker | 2/16/2024 11:59 AM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | REQUEST FOR A TRAVELLING AGENCY TO PROVIDE ACCOMMODATION AND CATERING FOR THE SALGA GAMES DELEGATES | N/A | 80/20 | Adventure Travel | R1,153,051.00 | 494 | Travelling & Accommodation | 132-2024 | 11/17/2023 7:30 AM | 11/30/2023 4:00 PM | 11/22/2023 3:41 PM | Ntabiso Mzoto | 11/27/2023 3:18 PM | Ntabiso Mzoto |
| | | UMZIMKHULU BULK WATER AUGMENTATION SCHEME -PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTION OF THE BACKWASH WATER RECOVERY FACILITY AT BHOBHOYI WATER TREATMENT WORKS | N/A | 80/20 | Sizabonke Civils t/a Pilcon Projects | R129,900,000.00 | 493 | Construction | 131-2024 | 8/5/2023 7:30 AM | 8/18/2023 4:00 PM | 8/4/2023 1:35 PM | Neshika Sunker | 8/4/2023 1:43 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Construction of Civil, Mechanical & Electrical Works to Optimise the Operations of the Vulamehlo Water Treatment Works | N/A | 80/20 | Thubalam Trading | R39,481,070.03 | 492 | Construction | 130-2024 | 8/5/2023 7:30 AM | 8/18/2023 4:00 PM | 8/4/2023 1:33 PM | Neshika Sunker | 8/4/2023 1:42 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | APPOINTMENT OF A PANEL OF SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF POTABLE WATER TO UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTHS | 36 | 80/20 | Please click on the Paperclip icon on the right to view list of companies | | 491 | Supply & Delivery | 129-2024 | 8/5/2023 7:30 AM | 8/18/2023 4:00 PM | 8/4/2023 1:31 PM | Neshika Sunker | 8/4/2023 1:42 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION OF MUNICIPAL ACOUNTS FOR UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTHS | 36 | 80/20 | Cab Holdings (Pty) Ltd | R72,856.50 | 490 | Consulting Services | 128-2024 | 8/5/2023 7:30 AM | 8/18/2023 4:00 PM | 8/4/2023 1:29 PM | Neshika Sunker | 8/4/2023 1:42 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PLACEMENT ON THE MUNICIPAL PANEL OF ATTORNERYS FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY SIX (36) MONTHS | 36 | 80/20 | Please click on the Paperclip icon on the right to view list of companies | | 489 | Consulting Services | 127-2023 | 6/28/2023 7:30 AM | 7/11/2023 4:00 PM | 6/27/2023 1:57 PM | Neshika Sunker | 6/27/2023 1:57 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Provision of a Panel of Financial Consultants for Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-six (36) months | 36 | 80/20 | Please click on the Paperclip icon on the right to view list of companies | | 488 | Consulting Services | 126-2023 | 5/19/2023 12:00 PM | 6/1/2023 12:00 PM | 5/18/2023 11:41 AM | Neshika Sunker | 5/18/2023 11:41 AM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Provision of Sage Evolution ERP and System Support for a period of thirty six (36) months | N/A | 80/20 | CCG Systems (Pty) Ltd | R9,856,309.88 | 487 | Consulting Services | 125-2022 | 11/30/2022 10:00 AM | 12/13/2022 10:00 AM | 11/30/2022 9:35 AM | Neshika Sunker | 11/30/2022 9:35 AM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Provision of banking Services for the period of Sixty (60) months | N/A | 80/20 | Standard Bank Limited | R253,967.35 | 486 | Consulting Services | 124-2022 | 11/30/2022 9:00 AM | 12/13/2022 9:00 AM | 11/30/2022 8:47 AM | Neshika Sunker | 11/30/2022 9:08 AM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Msikaba water supply scheme phase 3B: Construction of 200mm x 1000m Klambon Steel (Class 25) gravity main from Msikaba Reservours to Betania, and construction of 6250m x 110m to 75mm uPVC, Class 12, new reticulation for the new development at Nyandezulu | N/A | 80/20 | Q&A Holdings (Pty) Ltd | R15,073,287.00 | 485 | Construction | 123-2022 | 11/30/2022 9:00 AM | 12/13/2022 9:00 AM | 11/30/2022 8:46 AM | Neshika Sunker | 11/30/2022 9:08 AM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Margate Sewer Pipeline Replacement: Construction of EXT 3 and 7 sewer reticulation and upgrade of Margate sewer pumpstation 3A | N/A | 80/20 | Sizabonke Civils t/a Pilcon Projects | R118,587,828.63 | 484 | Construction | 122-2022 | 11/30/2022 9:00 AM | 12/13/2022 9:00 AM | 11/30/2022 8:40 AM | Neshika Sunker | 11/30/2022 9:07 AM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | CONSTRUCTION OF 160/200mm DIAMETER x 2.6KM uPVC GRAVITY PIPELINE FROM UMZINTO WTW TO ESPERANZA RESERVOIR, MODIFICATION OF ELECTROMECHANICAL WORKS AND ADDITIONAL STORAGE | N/A | 80/20 | Dynamo Duck Trading and Projects | R15,001,236.53 | 483 | Construction | 121-2022 | 11/19/2022 7:30 AM | 12/2/2022 4:00 PM | 11/18/2022 11:21 AM | Neshika Sunker | 11/18/2022 11:26 AM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | The Implementation of Water Services Infrastructure Grant (WSIG) Funded Programme within Ugu District Municipality for a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Month | 36 | 80/20 | VUMESA (Pty) Ltd | R126,065,369.50 | 482 | Consulting Services | 120-2022 | 11/19/2022 7:30 AM | 12/2/2022 4:00 PM | 11/18/2022 11:19 AM | Neshika Sunker | 11/18/2022 11:26 AM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Msikaba Water Supply Scheme Phase 3A: Upgrading of Bomela Pump Station & Construction of Nyandezulu Elevated Reservoir and Booster Pump Station | N/A | 80/20 | APPILEH NANDIE TRADING PROJECTS | R17,001,450.00 | 481 | Construction | 119-2022 | 11/19/2022 7:30 AM | 12/2/2022 4:00 PM | 11/18/2022 11:17 AM | Neshika Sunker | 11/18/2022 11:24 AM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | PROVISION OF CITICALL APPLICATION LICENCE & SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTHS | 36 | 80/20 | TRENDTECH (PTY) LTD t/a ANALOG | R6,249,061.41 | 480 | ICT Services | 118-2022 | 11/17/2022 7:30 AM | 11/30/2022 4:00 PM | 11/16/2022 3:20 PM | Neshika Sunker | 11/16/2022 3:20 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Provision of vehicle monitoring system for a Period of Thirty-six (36) months | 36 | 80/20 | INYAMEKO TRADING 602 CC | R21,660.74 | 479 | Consulting Services | 117-2022 | 11/17/2022 7:30 AM | 11/30/2022 4:00 PM | 11/16/2022 3:17 PM | Neshika Sunker | 11/16/2022 3:17 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Kwalembe 6.5ml Water Treatement works and river abstraction works | N/A | 80/20 | Dynamo Duck Trading JV Appileh Nandie | R90,000,000.04 | 478 | Operating Services | 117-2023 | 10/15/2022 7:30 AM | 10/28/2022 4:00 PM | 10/14/2022 11:31 AM | Neshika Sunker | 10/14/2022 11:31 AM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | PROVISION OF THE ANNUAL RENEWAL OF IVANTI SECURITY CONTROLS APPLICATION SOFTWARE FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTHS | 36 | 80/20 | PHANDU COMMUNICATIONS | R987,666.00 | 477 | ICT Services | 116-2022 | 9/23/2022 7:30 AM | 10/6/2022 4:00 PM | 9/22/2022 4:03 PM | Neshika Sunker | 9/22/2022 4:03 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | LICENSE RENEWAL FOR VEEAM APPLICATION SOFTWARE FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTHS | 36 | 80/20 | VOX TELECOMMUNICATIONS (PTY) LTD | R1,306,228.58 | 475 | ICT Services | 114-2022 | 9/23/2022 7:30 AM | 10/6/2022 4:00 PM | 9/22/2022 3:55 PM | Neshika Sunker | 9/22/2022 4:00 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | STANDARD ADROIT GROUP WIDE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTHS | 36 | 80/20 | GREENRO SOLUTIONS | R2,480,076.49 | 476 | ICT Services | 115-2022 | 9/23/2022 7:30 AM | 10/6/2022 4:00 PM | 9/22/2022 3:57 PM | Neshika Sunker | 9/22/2022 4:00 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | PROVISION OF CASH-IN-TRANSIT SECURITY SERVICES TO UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTHS | 36 | 80/20 | FIDELITY CASH SOLUTIONS | R841,579.20 | 474 | Consulting Services | 113-2022 | 9/23/2022 7:30 AM | 10/6/2022 4:00 PM | 9/22/2022 3:53 PM | Neshika Sunker | 9/22/2022 3:59 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | REQUEST FOR A PANEL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BOREHOLES AND THE REFURBISHMENT OF EXISTING BOREHOLES WITHIN UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTHS | 36 | 80/20 | Please click on the Paperclip icon on the right to view List of Companies | | 473 | Construction | 112-2022 | 8/27/2022 7:30 AM | 9/9/2022 4:00 PM | 8/26/2022 12:53 PM | Neshika Sunker | 8/26/2022 12:59 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | PROVISION OF SHORT-TERM INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTHS | 36 | 80/20 | Indwe Risk Services | R20,963,570.76 | 472 | Consulting Services | 111-2022 | 8/24/2022 7:30 AM | 9/6/2022 4:00 PM | 8/23/2022 4:00 PM | Neshika Sunker | 8/23/2022 4:00 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Provision of MSCOA Municipal Business Intelligence, Reporting and Budget Application for a period of Thirty-six (36) months | 36 | 80/20 | Ifix Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd | R1,993,065.00 | 471 | Consulting Services | 110-2022 | 3/22/2022 7:30 AM | 4/4/2022 4:00 PM | 3/18/2022 11:06 AM | Neshika Sunker | 3/18/2022 11:06 AM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | REPAIR OF EXISTING VRVIII DAIKEN AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AT THE OSLO BEACH PHASE 1 AND 2 BUILDINGS, THROUGH SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND COMMISSIONING OF PARTS AND SERVICES | 36 | 80/20 | Super T Trading cc | R1,591,700.00 | 470 | Repairs & Maintenance | 109-2022 | 2/25/2022 7:30 AM | 3/10/2022 4:00 PM | 2/24/2022 10:45 AM | Neshika Sunker | 2/24/2022 10:45 AM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Dwellers Trading | | 469 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:40 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:40 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Thembamina Trading | | 468 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:38 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:38 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Nothevuyo Trading | | 467 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:37 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:37 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Mithali 31 (Pty) Ltd | | 466 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:35 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:35 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Gasela Plant Hire | | 465 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:34 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:34 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | The SMT Collective | | 464 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:33 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:33 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Shemunu and Sons | | 463 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:31 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:31 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Dynamo-Duck Trading | | 462 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:30 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:30 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Mkhaba’s Trading and Projects | | 461 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:28 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:28 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Pearl Rising Trading and Projects | | 460 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:27 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:27 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Zikhali Zangwadi | | 459 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:25 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:25 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Siyakuthanda Group | | 458 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:24 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:24 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Khanali Trading | | 457 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:22 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:22 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Vosho 123 Projects | | 456 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:21 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:21 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Sir Sika Ma Trading | | 455 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:19 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:19 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Brainwave Projects | | 454 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:18 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:18 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Ayokhaba (Pty) Ltd | | 453 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:16 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:16 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Ekene Investments cc | | 452 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:15 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:15 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Puff Emergency Services (Pty) Ltd | | 451 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:12 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:13 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Lezak Trading cc | | 450 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:11 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:11 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Okhandayo (Pty) Ltd | | 449 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:10 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:10 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Siyamisana 28cc | | 448 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:08 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:08 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Mbuthuma Family Holdings | | 447 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:07 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:07 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Mpac Projects | | 446 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:06 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:06 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Zamisanani Projects | | 445 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:04 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:04 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Exponesia Trading | | 444 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:02 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:02 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Siyakwethemba Constructions | | 443 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:01 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:01 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Selumani (Pty) Ltd | | 442 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 8:00 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 8:00 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Edu Africa cc | | 441 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:58 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:58 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Njengamanje Trading | | 440 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:57 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:57 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Mkhewule (Pty) Ltd | | 439 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:55 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:55 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Dubadlela 696 Trading | | 438 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:16 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:16 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Xabemjelo | | 437 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:15 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:15 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | SA Goods Trading | | 436 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:13 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:13 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Ntabazinde Trading | | 435 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:12 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:12 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Magendeni Trading and Projects | | 434 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:10 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:10 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Mabhakubhaku (Pty) Ltd | | 433 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:08 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:08 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Amanqamnqeshe Trading | | 432 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:07 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:07 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Mzanzi LDK Trading | | 431 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:05 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:05 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Horizontal Records | | 430 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:04 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:04 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Tiphotakhe (Pty) Ltd | | 429 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:03 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:03 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Nicaud Trading t/a Drain Away | | 428 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:01 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:01 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Mbora Trading | | 427 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 7:00 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 7:00 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Mikieta Construction | | 426 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 6:58 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 6:58 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Thee Legacy Group | | 425 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 6:57 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 6:57 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Cosmic Gold Trading | | 424 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 6:56 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 6:56 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Amadudeni Trading | | 423 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 6:54 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 6:54 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Triumphant 2014 (Pty) Ltd | | 422 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 6:53 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 6:53 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Lithupign Group (Pty) Ltd | | 421 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 6:51 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 6:51 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Macooms Services | | 420 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 6:50 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 6:50 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Mjostan Trading and Projects | | 419 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 6:49 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 6:49 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Pelepele Investments | | 417 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 6:45 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 6:47 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Request for a panel for service providers for the provision of Jetting and Sewage Vacuum Tanker Services (VTS) within Ugu District Municipality for a period of Thirty-Six (36) Months | 36 | 80/20 | Siyabonga Construction | | 418 | Operating Services | 108-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 6:47 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 6:47 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Mechanical and Electrical Components for Water and Wastewater Applications for Ugu District Municipality for a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Month | 36 | 80/20 | New Genesis JV | | 416 | Operating Services | 105-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 2:48 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 2:48 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Mechanical and Electrical Components for Water and Wastewater Applications for Ugu District Municipality for a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Month | 36 | 80/20 | P&I Armature Winders cc | | 415 | Operating Services | 105-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 2:46 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 2:46 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Mechanical and Electrical Components for Water and Wastewater Applications for Ugu District Municipality for a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Month | 36 | 80/20 | Big Five Consortium (Pty) Ltd | | 414 | Operating Services | 105-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 2:45 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 2:45 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Mechanical and Electrical Components for Water and Wastewater Applications for Ugu District Municipality for a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Month | 36 | 80/20 | VCE Electrical & Instrument (Pty) Ltd | | 413 | Operating Services | 105-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 2:44 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 2:44 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Mechanical and Electrical Components for Water and Wastewater Applications for Ugu District Municipality for a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Month | 36 | 80/20 | Vanmore Elect | | 412 | Operating Services | 105-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 2:43 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 2:43 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Mechanical and Electrical Components for Water and Wastewater Applications for Ugu District Municipality for a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Month | 36 | 80/20 | PZL Projects cc | | 411 | Operating Services | 105-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 2:42 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 2:42 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Mechanical and Electrical Components for Water and Wastewater Applications for Ugu District Municipality for a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Month | 36 | 80/20 | Starplex | | 410 | Operating Services | 105-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 2:40 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 2:40 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Mechanical and Electrical Components for Water and Wastewater Applications for Ugu District Municipality for a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Month | 36 | 80/20 | Uzamile trading JV Embo Consulting | | 409 | Operating Services | 105-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 2:38 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 2:38 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Mechanical and Electrical Components for Water and Wastewater Applications for Ugu District Municipality for a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Month | 36 | 80/20 | Inqubeko ENG Solutions | | 408 | Operating Services | 105-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 2:37 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 2:37 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Mechanical and Electrical Components for Water and Wastewater Applications for Ugu District Municipality for a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Month | 36 | 80/20 | Siyabonga Construction | | 407 | Operating Services | 105-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 2:36 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 2:36 PM | Neshika Sunker |
| | | Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Mechanical and Electrical Components for Water and Wastewater Applications for Ugu District Municipality for a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Month | 36 | 80/20 | Joli Process and ENG Solutions | | 406 | Operating Services | 105-2022 | 2/1/2022 8:00 AM | 2/14/2022 3:00 PM | 1/31/2022 2:33 PM | Neshika Sunker | 1/31/2022 2:33 PM | Neshika Sunker |