It is with profound sadness that the Ugu District Municipality confirms the passing of its Municipal manager, Dr Elliot Michael Ntombela due to illness.Dr Ntombela passed away this morning on January 14, 2023 in hospital where he had been hospitalised for more than three weeks. His untimely passing has been a great shock to the municipality and the entire council he had been expected to be discharged from hospital to resume his official duties in the new year. Dr Ntombela joined the municipality on acting capacity on July 2021 and was later appointed on a five-year contract in October 2022.The Mayor of Ugu on behalf of council and the municipality would like to send heartfelt condolences to his family and pray for the grace of God to comfort them during these tying times.“Dr Ntombela played a pivotal role in the municipality’s administration, and we had high hopes that he would use his expertise, together with his management to steer Ugu to greater heights.”The municipality would like to ask that you give his family time to process this painful loss and respect their space during this difficult time.For further enquiries contact senior manager in the mayor’s office Mr France Zama 039 688 5711END!ISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Senior Manager: Mayoralty & CommunicationsMr France Zama039 688 5711France.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za