Municipality working around the clock to restore water supply to areas affected by power outages & flooding
The municipality is currently seized with the process of restoring water supply to areas where supply has been disrupted due to ongoing rollout of Eskom power outages and downpours.The unending implementation of Eskom power outages is having a major negative impact on municipal water infrastructure as it continues daily to cripple water generation regime of our major water works in the district.Our technicians are currently experiencing difficulties in completing a major pipe repair which runs across the Domba River due to flooding and conditions have become impossible for any repair work to take place in the area as rain pours continues to flood the area. Technicians are however onsite monitoring the levels of the river until conditions become safe to complete the repairs as this pipe break has disrupted supply of water to the northern areas towards Hibberdene and inland areas. Water relief supply is being prioritised to the affected areas while conditions are being monitored for repairs to be conducted.While there is currently a high risk of water supply interruptions in most areas across the district due to power outages, the municipality will continue monitoring our systems and water quality while doing everything possible to ensure that the impact to our consumers is minimised.We therefore call upon our consumers affected by these ongoing repairs to bear with us while we contend with the challenges associated with the widespread power blackouts and flooding. For continous updates on water and sanition related matters, visit and like our facebook page: ‘Ugu District Municipality’ .ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Municipal SpokespersonMr France ZamaTel: 039 688 5713Email: France.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za