Municipality step-up plans for peak season
Ugu District Municipality have put in place a comprehensive plan to ensure a hassle-free year-end holiday season with regards to the provision of water and sanitation services. Also, additional resources have been sourced and remain on standby in case of emergencies.We have put much emphasis in the improvement of the availability of adequate resources through ensuring the readiness of additional human resources, water tankers, vehicles and standby service providers to swiftly respond to service delivery emergencies as effeciently as possible.During this period, the municipality has established a Joint Operation Committee which meet on a daily basis to monitor and report on progress made on reported water and sanitation complaints received.During peak seasons, we have noticed that our main supply networks of Umtamvuna and Bhobhoyi Water Treatment Works experience extreme supply demand which is much higher than the capacity. We will be on high alert on all hot spot areas and ensure that in the case where there is prolonged water supply interruptions, alternative measures are implemented instantly.Just about a month ago, we conducted pro-active maintenance on a low lift pump at Umthamvuma Water Works for a complete overhaul in preparation for the December holidays.Provision has also been made for rural communities which will be supplied by water tankers which will be in service on a daily basis. Also, we have taken care of institutions where there will be large gatherings during the weekends.As a District Municipality, our obligation is to extend and sustain water access to all 85 municipal wards that culminates to four local municipalities. We are continuously engaging in expanding and maintaining our infrastructure to enable us to ensure that all communities have adequate access to our services.Furthermore, we have also ensured that our disaster management services are also activated this season and provision of emergency vehicles, personnel and specialised vehicles has been made to attend to any disaster needs across the four local municipalities in the District.The municipality’s management and employees remain committed to ensure that communities receive uninterrupted water supply during this period and beyond. And in the case of ad hoc interruptions, our committed technicians will ensure normal water supply is reinstated within the shortest time possible.Our call centre operations will also be beefed up with personnel to meet the call demand both during the day, after hours and public holidays. Our operators will be ready to interact with the community on water and sanitation services through our facebook page;’Ugu District Municipality”andthe 24-Hour Call Centre on08000 WATER (92837) or (039 688 5830/36or SMSline44751ISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za