Ugu District Municipality warns all community members and holidaymakers that all lagoons and rivers are temporarily closed for all swimming, fishing and other water sport activities due to these water sources traversing many properties with impurities which enter them thus leading to non-compliance for recreational purposes. Bathers are therefore advised to confine all contact water sport activities to the sea.As a precautionary measure, the municipality has certified all rivers and lagoons unsafe for human use due to the fluctuating counts of e-coli which has led to unguaranteed safety of water for recreational purposes.The municipality’s capable team of environmental specialists will intensify sampling of swimming areas of beaches and lagoons regularly to monitor the quality of marine waters in accordance with the South African Water Quality Guidelines for Coastal Marine Waters. These leisure sources will be reopened for public use once teams are certified that all waters are safe for use and complaint with the set quality standards.Community cooperation will be appreciated in this regard.BYUGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY