Municipality serves intention to suspend Municipal Manager
The municipality has diligently been processing the matters contained in the COGTA investigation report which was tabled before the municipal council.And as part of the process of dealing with the matters contained in the report, the municipality has issued the Municipal Manager, Mr DD Naidoo with a notice of an intention to suspend following the allegations of financial non-compliance committed by municipal officials. This notice is served to Mr Naidoo in his capacity as an accounting officer and has been given seven days to respond to the allegations of non-compliance as sighted by the investigation report. The municipal council will thereafter consider the representations by the Municipal Manager and determine the direction to be undertaken in meticulously dealing with these matters.The municipality is conscious to the fact that such matters (it’s currently dealing with) invoke public interest and raises anxiety levels among the interested parties but wish to call for calm during this period while the municipal leadership is instituting all due processes in dealing with these matters.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Municipal SpokespersonMr France Zama