Municipality joins forces with SAPS to fight sabotage of water infrastructure
Interference of municipal water infrastructure through acts of sabotage or acts of criminality such as theft of cables and batteries has a direct and negative impact on water provision to our communities.By damaging municipal water infrastructure through theft or sabotage, water supply is interrupted for extended periods, resulting in communities being left without water supply services whilst steps are taken to remedy the situation. These acts of sabotage or criminality are being committed by people living within our communities.Communities are requested to assist as active citizens by reporting suspicious or illegal behaviour at and around municipal water infrastructure such as pump stations, reservoirs, valve points etc.Typical behaviour which should be reported include the following:Unknown vehicles accessing water infrastructure points or parked near water infrastructure pointsPersons, not identified as Ugu Municipality employees, accessing water infrastructure pointsPersons removing items from water infrastructure pointsPersons being in possession of wiring/cabling and batteries under suspicious circumstancesPersons selling or buying wiring/cabling and batteries under suspicious circumstances. Contact can be made with your local SAPS on 10111, or information can be provided anonymously to the Ugu Anti-Fraud Hotline on the Toll-free number 0801111660 or e-mail information@whistleblowing.co.za.All reported information related to interference of water supply services will be directed to SAPS and treated with utmost confidentiality.Criminal elements within our communities are infringing on our rights to basic services – “Water is Life after all”. You can be part of the solution by reporting and speaking out on,SAPS – 10111 Ugu Anti-Fraud Hotline – 0801111660Become a member of our facebook page by liking the’Ugu District Municipality’page to receive continuous and factual updates on water and sanitation related matters.ENDS ISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY,