Temporary closure of Margate Beach and Lagoon
The municipality would like to advise beachgoers and residents that no recreational activity is allowed at the Margate lagoon and beach.A contractor has started repairs to a faulty pump at the Waste Water Treatment Works and there are possibilities of the Nkongweni River which flows into the Margate Beach being polluted.As a result, it is recommended that the Margate Beach be closed for recreational purposes as a precautionary measure to prevent any health-related illnesses.The closure will remain in place until such a time the repairs to the pump are completed and a periodic sampling carried out. The public will be informed when the beach and lagoon will be re-opened for recreational purposes. Disaster Management Services will assist with the display of signage and a request is made that RNM Lifeguards ensure that no swimming is allowed at the Beach or Lagoon.The municipality apologises for any inconveniences emanating from the above that may have been caused.Become a member of our facebook page by liking the’Ugu District Municipality’page to receive continuous and factual updates on matters concerning service delivery..ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Acting Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr Mondli NgcoboMondli.Ngcobo@ugu.websitesupport.co.za