Municipality holds successful stakeholder engagement with Hibberdene residents
The leadership of the municipality has today held a consultative meeting with representatives of the community of Hibberdene and surrounding areas who are largely affected by water supply disruptions in the area. This meeting forms part of the municipality’s effort to account to its relevant stakeholders on the services of water and sanitation.Today’s meeting provided the leadership of the municipality with a first-hand experience of interacting with the frustrations of residents over the intermittent supply of water in the area. The municipality was also able to share their plans which are tailored to finding a lasting solution to the water supply disruptions on the Northern system of our supply which is compounded by a multiplicity of factors i.e. abrupt mechanical and electrical failure on our system, ageing infrastructure, power cuts due to Eskom load shedding and acts of sabotage on our water network.And in considering all these factors, the leadership of the municipality led by the mayor, Cllr Sizwe Ngcobo outlined the interventions to be initiated as an immediate measure of restoring water supply to the affected areas. This involves strengthening of our technical capacity which is working on resolving water supply issues on the northern supply system. The municipality has concluded an arrangement with Umgeni water for their engineers to be allocated to work on the northern system of our supply with effect from next week. And they have been tasked to conduct a diagnosis and resolve technical issues on the supply system of Hibberdene and surrounding areas. Through this exercise, we are determined to ensure a prompt restoration of water supply to the affected reservoirs which are supplying areas of Hibberdene, Woodgrange and Stick farm. And while these initiatives are in progress, relief water supply to the affected areas will continue to be supplied through the static tanks which have been strategically placed around the Hibberdene area.We encourage consumers to become members of our facebook page by liking the page:’Ugu District Municipality’to receive continuous and factual updates on water and sanitation related matters.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Municipal SpokespersonMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za