Ugu to give feedback on service delivery issues at Mayoral Izimbizo
Ugu District Municipality has over the past weeks through the Office of the Speaker started a process of community engagement across the district in its concerted effort of checking progress on reported service delivery challenges.This process has yielded positive results towards identifying discrepancies on service delivery commitments made. This week, the district in collaboration with its local municipalities has commenced with its annual Mayoral Izimbizo programme where again, this platform will be utilized to discuss and interact with communities across the district on the critical service delivery issues being rendered by the municipality. During this programme, we will also be providing progress on previous reported service delivery challenges that were collated during our last interaction of this nature.More importantly, this is an opportunity for government to give you feedback on all key service delivery issues and capital projects that we had agreed upon during the compilation of our IDP/Budget for 2018/19 as well as also to indicate the new capital projects that we will be embarking on during this financial year.Our municipality is determined in fulfilling its resolve of improving service delivery and ensuring a better life for all communities in the district. And these meetings serve as a two-way communication process tailored at improving service delivery and community involvement in decision-making processes of the municipality which ensures that communities’ needs are directly responded to thus improving our level of service delivery.We therefore urge communities to use this process for maximum benefit by involving themselves in the decision-making processes of the municipality and share in the developmental agenda of our district.The Municipality promotes working together to create an environment that is friendly responsive, accountable, effective and efficient for local communities.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za