Ugu Municipality called to account for service delivery grant
Acting Mayor Cllr Mandla Chiya recently led a delegation of officials to a special meeting called by Water & Sanitation Minister, Senzo Mchunu. The acting mayor provided progress on the municipality’s turnaround plan as well Water Services Infrastructure Grant (WSIG) projects on the ‘pipelines’ to the tune of R150M.The meeting was a follow-up, to last year’s satellite seating of the National Council of Provinces in the District last year, where the Minister committed to support the municipality through WSIG, to address water supply challenges.Acting Mayor, reported in detail how far the implementation of the turnaround plan is, both in expenditure & actual projects on the ground. Included in the report were: The Emergency Borehole Programme, with some boreholes already pumping clean drinking water to communities; Business plans to upgrade Kwa-Madlala Water Pipeline, Dunjazana Water Pipeline, Pipeline replacement in Area South Central & Area North, as well as Refurbishment of Sanitation in Harding Town. Acting municipal manager, Vela Mazibuko stressed that a tight monitoring schedule is being implemented with regular sight visits conducted.During the meeting, Deputy Minister, Judith Tshabalala emphasized the importance of job creation, monitoring of contractors, as well as adhering to timeframes.Minister Mchunu accentuated the urgency of the full implementation of the turnaround plan. He stressed the importance of ensuring a fruitful expenditure, and accountability by municipal officials. The Minister was also pleased with the evidence and committed to continue supporting the municipality’s process of implementation.“Let us go and work harder. If Umgeni can pick up the speed in their mandate, it will give much relief to Ugu Municipality”, said the minister in closing.END!ISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Acting Senior Manager: Mayoralty & CommunicationsMrs Zimbini MpurwanaZimbini.Mpurwana@ugu.websitesupport.co.za