In an effort to bridge the gap between pupils in rural communites and urban areas, Ugu District Municipality handed over laptops and school uniform to pupils of Bhavu High School on Tuesaday, 25, 2021.The mayor, alongside Umzumbe Mayor Cllr Londolo Zungu and Ugu Special Programmes Portfolio Chairman Cllr Nomfundo Dlamini were met with warm hands as today marked the beginning of a new era for the less priviledged school in the rural community of KwaQOloQolo.According to the mayor, the campaign, through the municipality’s special programmes unit and corporate services is aimed at improving quality education and ensuring the less privileged pupils receive learning material, uniforms and devices that develop their skills.”As a caring government we want to ensure that no pupil goes to school without proper uniform. We also want to ensure that our pupils are well equiped in order to make the right career choices when they matriculate.”Umzumbe mayor Cllr Zungu pleaded with pupils to refrain from engaging in activities such as substance abuse and to rather focus on their studies in order to have a brighter future.Speaking at the handover, the school principal Mr Bhekani Victor Ndlovu said the laptops would go a long way in aiding pupils who are faced with difficulties in accessing information that would stimulate their thinking capabilities.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za