Ugu District Women’s Month celebration a resounding success
Female leaders in the Ugu District were in the fore front in the celebration of the Ugu District Women’s Month 2018, which was testimony to a stance taken by the district that women empowerment is at the apex of its priorities to move our district forward.This year, various government departments together with Ugu District Municipality and its family of local municipalities celebrated Women’s Month at Umzinto Town Hall on Tuesday, 4 September 2018.Hundreds of women with a shared vision of growing Ugu District gathered to remember the women of fortitude that sacrificed their beings and fought against women abuse and inequality. The Member of the KZN Legislature, Mrs H Dlamini, who delivered the message of the day highlighted the importance of woman empowerment and protecting women as they are the caregivers of society.Giving a supporting speech, The District Mayor, Cllr MA Chiliza highlighted that Ugu District Municipality together with its local municipalities will continue advocating for the implementation of sustainable programmes for women empowerment with the aim to triumph over the lingering scourge of unemployment, poverty and inequality that affects everyone in our society as it is mainly women and children who bear most of the burden of these societal ills. “This is why we as local government have placed women empowerment programmes at the apex of our development priorities through the implementation of various women empowerment programmes predominantly catering for women from the disadvantaged backgrounds.”The 2018 Women’s Month celebration was held under the theme: “100 years of Albertina Sisulu: Woman of Fortitude, Women united in moving South Africa Forward”.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za