Ugu District Municipality council has appointed Dr Elliot Michael Sibusiso Ntombela to steer its administrative arm, effective from 01 October 2022, bringing the lengthy and intensive process of finding a suitably qualified and assertive candidate to an end.Dr Ntombela, who is no stranger to the municipality and its operations, he joins the municipality on a five-year performance based, fixed term contract in terms of section (57)6 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, 2000. He was appointed after a meticulous and rigorous selection process where he demonstrated extensive experience and knowledge of strategic leadership in a municipal environment in line with the local government regulatory framework.He comes with core managerial, financial, supply chain and occupational competenciesas he had been ‘Accounting Officer,’ in various other municipalities during his career. As head of administration, he will be responsible and accountable for functions provided for in the local government systems act, No.32 of 2000, Municipal Finance Act 56 of 2003 as well as other functions provided for by legislation and delegated by Council.The municipality is, therefore, confident that his appointment will bring about the desired outcomes in the execution of the municipality’s service delivery strategies.Become a member of ourFacebookpage by liking the’Ugu District Municipality’page to receive continuous and factual updates on matters concerning service delivery.END!ISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Municipal SpokespersonMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za