Ugu District Municipality unveils new fleet to service Ugu Communities
As part of government’s effort towards ‘rebuilding’ towns affected by the recent spate of violence and looting seen across the Ugu District, Mayor Cllr Sizwe Ngcobo together with KwaZulu-Natal Premier Sihle Zikalala unveiled state-of-the-art water tankers fully equipped to enhance the municipality’s ability to better respond effectively to urgent water shortages in the district.The six water tankers and four vehicles are estimated at a combined cost of R12million, boosting Ugu DM’s fleet which was recently damaged during the violent civil unrest.Eight water tankers ,TLB’s, Excavators, Bakkies and buildings were among those torched.Premier Zikalala said the new tankers are expected to ensure that the communities of Ugu have access to water, especially women who suffer the most and bear the brunt of lack of access to water.The Mayor, Cllr Ngcobo called on community members to guard water infrastructure meant to service their communities. “Let us assume responsibility and protect our water resources and stem out any form of vandalism.”We encourage consumers to become members of our Facebook page by liking the page:”Ugu District Municipality” ,to receive continuous and factual update on water and sanitation related matters.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Senior Manager: Mayoralty and Communications