Ugu District Mayor hands over Southern Mains bulk water pipeline upgrades
As part of the municipality’s efforts towards ensuring Ugu District communities have improved access towards uninterrupted water and sanitation services. Ugu District Municipality Mayor Councillor Sizwe Ngcobo has officially unveiled the first of a series of completed pipeline projects by the municipality’s water services unit.More than 3000 households in Margate and Gamalakhe areas amongst others are set to benefit from the bulk main water pipeline upgrades.“Over and above the completed projects we are handing over today, the municipality has invested in various other bulk water supply upgrades to better the lives of all residents of the Ugu District Municipality,”said Ugu Mayor Cllr Sizwe Ngcobo.The Southern Mains water supply scheme currently provide portable water to approximately 101 850 people with the completed phase 01 providing water supply to over 13 850 people of Gamalakhe community.“We are also proud to state that 41 local people were employed by the contractor during the construction of the project. This re-affirms governments efforts towards fighting inequality, poverty and unemployment as an economic interdependence phenomena.”We encourage consumers to become members of our Facebook page by liking the page:”Ugu District Municipality”,to receive continuous and factual update on water and sanitation related matters.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Acting Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr Mondli NgcoboMondli.Ngcobo@ugu.websitesupport.co.za