Senior Citizens pampered on Mandela Day in Ugu
IT was a day of positive emotions and much jubilation in Ward 3 Umzumbe when the MEC for Social Development Mrs Weziwe Thusi together with Ugu District Municipality Mayor, Cllr Mondli Chiliza led a delegation of councillors and senior officials to handover a brand-new four-roomed house to a 94-year old Ms Ncanyinwe Nesta Cele on Mandela Day yesterday.This strong senior citizen who was overwhelmed with joy by government’s generous gesture lived alone in a dilapidating rondavel house for years. This new house was further furnished and connected with water. Over and above this, a generous donation of groceries was made, and a vegetable garden was planted in the yard. “I feel like I have been reborn today. I will now live a life of comfort in my new home. My life has been made much easier and I am grateful to government for this life-changing experience,” said Gogo Cele.Mayor Chiliza during the opening of the house said, it is important that senior citizens are well taken care of and they do not feel lonely in a community where there are people. “Senior citizens are the treasures of our country, through the sacrifices of many men and women who are senior citizens today, we are living a life of freedom. It is therefore the onus of the younger generations to reciprocate sacrifices by taking care of our senior citizens.”This project was made a success by various stakeholders who made selfless contributions to ensure that Gogo Cele is given a warm, convenient and comfortable home.After the house handover, the leadership proceeded to Shibase Sports Ground to continue the Mandela Day celebrations with the community, focusing on senior citizens. The old generation was given goody bags, blankets, walking sticks and toiletries amongst other gifts.Addressing the community, MEC Thusi said Mandela Day is about making a positive difference in the lives of the less fortunate. “Tata is smiling down on us for continuing his legacy and ensuring that on this day, we change people’s lives for the better,” said MEC Thusi.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za