NEW PR COUNCILLOR SWORN INToday’s Ugu District Municipality council sitting swore in a new PR councillor. Councillor Nomvelo Ndadane (23) from Kwa-Mbotho area in Umuziwabantu joins the municipality as a Proportional Representative (PR) councillor, replacing former Cllr Bhekinkosi Majola.Cllr Ndadane swore under oath to serve with diligence the communities of Ugu. She vowed to carry forward the directive given to her by the district’s council in line with the municipality’s vision and mission.Ugu Speaker Cllr Sizwe Ngcobo has on behalf of council welcomed Cllr Ndadane and wished her well in her new responsibilities.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Acting Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za