The impact of power blackouts on stage four loadshedding is continuously crippling the water generation regime of our major water works.Umtamvuna water supply system is currently under severe strain due to power failures, and this has had an adverse effect on the bulk water abstraction, purification, and distribution activities. Levels at Umtamvuna dam storage have reached its lowest levels, resulting in ceasing of all purification and distribution operations as from today to Thursday in order to build up the dam storage levels.Areas supplied by Umtamvuna system i.e coastal areas of Port Edward; Ramsgate and inland areas under Inkosi Nzimakwe shall regrettable be subjected to intermittent water supply during this period while measures to recover the system are underway.An appeal is hereby made to our consumers to bear with us during this period while we contend with the severe impact of the widespread power blackouts on our water systems. For continuous updates on water and sanitation related matters, visit and like our Facebook Page: ‘Ugu District Municipality.’ISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Municipal SpokespersonMr France ZamaTel: 039 688 5713Email: France.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za