Municipality warns of water outages during load shedding
Ugu District Municipality would like to warn all its residents to make necessary arrangements by ensuring that they store enough water to last them longer during the ongoing load shedding by Eskom.In a statement on Tuesday this week, Eskom clearly states that it will continue with stage 4 load shedding after implementing stage 6 on Monday. This is set continue as Eskom has warned that cuts will proceed for the rest of the week as it battles severe capacity constraints caused by unplanned outages and flooding. Eskom had further announced that heavy rains and floods at its three power stations caused the already-reduced capacity on its generators to plunge further.This has a serious consequence in our water supply systems, with most plants and command reservoirs severely affected in the whole district. As of Tuesday this week, Bhobhoyi plant, which is our main feeder scheme, had dropped drastically. Residents might experience low water to no water at all in some high lying areas of supply.All residents are therefore warned to expect intermittent supply during this period as the situation becomes critical. Eskom is running an unpredictable schedule and our systems are subjected to major strain due to high demand.endsISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za