Municipality closes its Main Office in Port Shepstone and Park Rynie due to Covid-19 outbreak
The municipality has yesterday temporarily closed its Main Offices on 28 Connor Street in Port Shepstone and on Preston Street in Park Rynie following the discovery of employees who have tested positive for Covid-19 pandemic.Affected employees are being traced and will be subjected to self-isolation while other employees from the affected buildings will be conducting their work from home.And this closure will result to unavailability of certain municipal services that are being offered at these offices while the buildingsAnd this closure will result to unavailability of certain municipal services that are being offered at these offices while the buildings are being disinfected to combat the spread of Of COVID-19 emanating from the confirmed positive cases.Our customers are encouraged to make use of the available municipal online services when making account payments and reporting any service interruptions. The “Ugu District Municipality” service App is available for download from any Android and IOS App store for your convenience.We will continue to take all precautionary measures to protect our employees as well as the public from contracting the COVID-19 pandemic. We appeal to all our residents to cooperate with us during this period and request that we collectively confront this pandemic to minimize its spread within our society.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za