Municipality breaks stalemate on the implementation of Umtamvuna power upgrades
The long-awaited power upgrade at Umthamvuna treatment works will now be realised following the signing of a ground-breaking memorandum of agreement between the municipality and the interested parties in the implementation of this project.His worship, the mayor Cllr Skhumbuzo “Zero” Mqadi lead a delegation of highly esteemed technocrats to the Eastern Cape province to conclude a long-awaited agreement which will in effect serve as an enabler for the power utility Eskom to resume with the implementation of Umtamvuna power upgrade.This power upgrade will involve a construction of a medium voltage power line from Eastern Cape province to Umtamvuna low lift pumpstation. And this will increase the Umtamvuna pumpstation capacity to generate and supply thirty million litres of portable water which will create a stable supply of water to the Southern part of Ray Nkonyeni Municipality areas of Port Edward; Ramsgate; KwaXolo; KwaNzimakwe and Izingolweni.And the implementation of this power upgrade bears testimony to the commonly held view that the municipality is continuously making all strides towards ensuring that all residents in the district have an uninterrupted supply of water services through implementation of major water infrastructure projects across the district.For continous updates on water and sanition related matters, visit and like our facebook page: ‘Ugu District Municipality’ .ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Municipal SpokespersonMr France ZamaTel: 039 688 5713 – Mobile: 0714472098Email: France.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za