Municipality appoints new IDP manager
Ugu District Municipality has eventually appointed new Manager: Development Planning under Corporate Strategy and Shared Services with effect from Monday, September 23rd. The incumbent is Ms Zekhethelo Zilungile Mshengu.Ms Mshengu with be responsible for, among other things: the Intergrated Development Planning (IDP) which is the municipality’s corporate strategy; Spatial Development Framework; Performance Management System (monitoring and evaluation) and Geographic Information System (GIS). She brings with her a wealth of experience having worked in different spheres of government prior to her current position.In January 2017, Ms Mshengu joined Umzumbe municipality as a Development Planner under Development Planning and Local Economic Development Unit in the Office of the Municipal Manager responsible for IDP, Spatial Planning, Performance Management System, Back to Basics, Land Use Management and Miscellaneous (taxi permits, liquor licences, lease agreements, etc). She also had stints at Msunduzi Municipality in Richards Bay as a Town Planner and also as an independent land use agent conducting land use surveys and compiling reports, a project championed by the Ethekwini Metro.The planning office in any municipality is the engine which drives the overall functions of service delivery. Without proper planning, organisations are more likely to operate in a haphazard manner with no base and vision they are working towards. Through compilation of a credible IDP, as stipulated in the Municipal Systems Act of 2000, a municipality is able to prioritise projects and formulate a long-term vision that will guide budgeting, fulfilling the municipality’s core mandate as per the Constitution of service delivery.It is no secret that Ugu is currently faced with financial and administrative challenges and most of these issues tie back to the issue of proper reporting and monitoring. Ms Mshengu is ready to play her part is solving some of these challenges. “I intend on strengthening the relationship between the district, local municipalities and other key stakeholders through the Planning Forums and IDP Representative Forums as that is where the core and fundamental ground work is conducted for any organisation,” she said.She further said that she is looking forward to providing a balance of theoretical and practical knowledge throughout her given Key Performance Indicators acquired through years of experience and education. “I am confident that my appointment will take Ugu to far greater heights and hopefully in the next financial year, the AG will awards us with a Clean Audit as well as put our IDP amongst the best in the province”.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za