Municipal services suffer from civil unrest demolitions
Following the unprecedented destruction of municipal assets during the past week civil unrest, municipal services of water and sanitation are likely to bear the brunt of disruptions and delays while the municipality is in the process of recovering from the suffered loss.Municipal buildings and offices were set on fire and destroyed leaving the whole office block building at our Mkholombe depot in a state of disrepair. About eight water tankers, excavators, TLB’s trucks and vehicles were destroyed by fire. And the ongoing assessment indicates a huge loss of about hundred million of rands.The destruction of these municipal assets which were intended to deliver services to our residents has had a devastating effect on the municipality’s ability to deliver constant services. We therefore wish to advise our residents of possible delay on response time to service request that have been made through our customer service portals.We encourage consumers to become members of our facebook page by liking the page:’Ugu District Municipality’to receive continuous and factual updates on water and sanitation related matters.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Municipal SpokespersonMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za