Hailstorm destroys houses in Ugu district
A number of families residing in Umuziwabantu, Ray Nkonyeni and Umzumbe local municipalities were the victims of yet another heavy rains accompanied by hailstorms that left them homeless and completely destroyed their houses and left lots of damage in areas in and around Ugu District Municipality.An assessment conducted by Ugu Disaster Management Team and officials from local municipalities revealed that there was only one injury that took place in Umuziwabantu, with a total of 190 households affected. Out of this, about 64 houses were completely destroyed with a total number of 942 people affected.Ugu District mayor Cllr Sizwe Ngcobo accompanied by Umzumbe Acting mayor Cllr Londolo Zungu, councillors from various affected municipalities and traditional leadership rolled up their sleeves, offering emergency relief in the form of blankets, food parcels and plastic sheets to affected communities.Emergency relief support is ongoing as all the affected families are picking up their pieces after this near fatal incidence. Visiting the affected families, Ugu mayor Cllr Ngcobo offered words of comfort and support to all victims, saying municipal officials from disaster centres will continue with their assessments and closely monitor the situation.In November last year, this district was hit hard by another heavy storms. People are advised that when there are heavy rains that goes with storms, they must vacate muddy buildings and seek shelter in proper balanced structures. They must also avoid crossing low level bridges and rivers.For emergencies, we encourage our communities to contact their Disaster Management Centres or alternatively Ugu Disaster Management Centre at 039 682 2414.ISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za