Extended Management embarks on Municipal Service Week
This week, Ugu District Municipality’s extended management team is embarking on an annual Municipal Service Week Programme where managers are deployed on the ground with the aim to get a holistic perspective of the different sections of the organisation and improve service delivery.The Municipal Manager, Mr DD Naidoo has pronounced the Municipality’s stance on Municipal Service Week saying it is imperative that all employees of the organisation at all levels speak the same language and that of improved service delivery. He said the tasking of management to engage in this service delivery improvement initiative amongst other objectives is to develop a culture of collective responsibility for a better functioning municipality. “As a municipality we cannot tolerate mediocrity. We strive in once again becoming the best district municipality in the province if not in the country and that can only be achieved if all employees work together and find solutions to the identified service delivery challenges.”The critical areas that were identified amongst others were the Vacuum Tanker Services, Meter Reading, Billing Section, Customer Care Relations and Enquiries amongst others. “The areas by a larger percentage are in touch with the communities and as the municipality we saw it befitting that management gets first-hand experience on the operations of these sections to get a different perspective on challenges and short, medium and long-term solutions thereafter.”The Municipality promotes working together to create an environment that is friendly responsive, accountable, effective and efficient for local communities.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za