District decreases piped water access backlog
Ugu District Municipality has over the years taken remarkable strides towards extending water services to previously disadvantaged communities thus increasing the district’s water access to 87 percent.To date, the municipality has significantly eradicated the access to piped water backlog from 67 percent in 1996 to 13 percent. There are recorded district figures of 175 146 main sources of drinking water, which translates to 37 119 household piped, 21 777 water inside the yard, 66 412 piped water on community stands, 926 yard boreholes and 27 844 communal taps amongst other main sources of drinking water.The municipality’s never-ending efforts to reach a 100 percent coverage of access to water is currently sponsored by major infrastructure resources which include seven dams, an estimated 4 300 kilometres of pipeline, 153 reservoirs, 125 pump stations, 18 water treatment works, and 20 waste water treatment works.We still cannot stay at the comfort of these achievements as voices of those communities without water area still echoing. And as a Water Services Authority, we continue to advance the agenda of our government to ensure that no-one is deprived of a better life and has access to basic service delivery.We are mindful that we are still confronted by the challenge of ageing infrastructure and inadequate supply resources in some communities. We have therefore developed measures to have all infrastructure that have reached its lifespan rehabilitated and resources be made available to those who do not have to reach the 100 percent water access goal.Our key focus has been that of accelerating service delivery of water services to our communities and we are determined to overcome whatever challenges we encounter in pursuit of this course.Talk to us regarding all water and sanitation related issues through our facebook page;’Ugu Municipality Talk’ orour 24-Hour Call Centre on08000 WATER (92837) or (039 688 5830/36or SMSline44751ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr France ZamaFrance.Zama@ugu.websitesupport.co.za