Water Services
This department is responsible for the provision of the core services: Water, Sanitation and Environmental Services Under Water Services there are various Sections:
Water Services Operations which incorporates:
- Mechanical workshops
- Laboratory Services
- Operation & maintenance of Water & Sewage Treatment plants
- Sewer & water reticulation systems
- It also incorporates a special pr​ojects unit comprising of:
- Leakage division
- Meter section
- Pipe extensions
Water Services Authority which incorporates - development control and plan approval section, Water resources planning ,design, drawing office and project unit with the administration unit comprising of information management and document control with respect to staff issues, budget control, cash flows, statistics, policies and fleet management.​
Water Services Members

Project Management Unit
Manager: Mr Sizwe Malinga
Email: Sizwe.Malinga@ugu.gov.za
Tel: 039 688 5892
​​​​​​​​Below are the functions that the section does:
- ​​Administration and financial management MIG funds within the municipal and national accounting systems for infrastructure projects of the municipality, and for any other  municipalities where this authority has been delegated to the PMU;
- Coordination of the project identification and prioritisation process for municipalities served by the PMU and ensure proper integration of the respective Infrastructure Investment Framework (IIF) and Integrated Development Planning (IDP’s) with the appropriate input from the various other government departments to ensure synchronised service delivery;
- Coordination of  Special Municipal Infrastructure Fund (SMIF) project applications will support the provision of large scale bulk and connector infrastructure involving a number of municipalities;
- Management of the local infrastructure programme (municipal scale) as well as physical project implementation activities;
- Management of the MIG MIS and the preparation of all necessary reports to municipalities and the Provincial MIG Management Units and the National MIG Unit; - Â Socio-economic impact assessments detailing how the MIG programme has impacted on the communities and municipalities in terms of skills development, community involvement, municipal partnerships, local economic development and how the lives of the communities have improved;
- Facilitation of backlog studies and environmental impact assessments of projects when necessary.
- ​Inclusion of other Capital works funded from other sources within the competence of the PMU ; and  -  Coordination of project-based capacity building and developmental initiatives.
Water Services Operations
Direct Contact: 039Â 688 3440
Area South
Area south as a section within Water Services operates areas stretching from Hibberdene to Port Edward and inland areas such as KwaMadlala, KwaHlongwa, Oshabeni, Mehlomnyama and greater Izingolweni areas including townships such as Gamalakhe, Greater Nyandezulu, Murchison and Bhobhoyi by providing water and sanitation services. Area South offices are based in Marburg
The Manager for Area South Central is Mr Malibongwe Luswazi
Contact Details: 0396885892
The Manager for Area South is Mr Xolisani Zuma
Contact Details: 0396885892
Area North
Area North is consist of 38 wards from 3 local Municipalities namely; Umzumbe Local Municipality, Vulamemhlo Local Municipality, Umdoni Local Municipality. Area North operates areas stretching from Hibberdene to Mbumbumbulu under Vulamehlo Local Municipality.
The Area Manager for Area North is Mr Sivuyile Mkwindana
Contact Details:0396886327
No. 1 Preston Road
Park Rynie
Area South West
Area South West is made up of 13 wards from 2 Local Municipality, which are Umuziwabantu (10 Wards) and Ezinqoleni (3 Wards). Area South West operates from Umthimude to Machi areas, KwaJali to Ngele, Harding Town, KwaFodo, KwaMbotho and KwaNyuswa area.
The Manager for Area South West is Mr B Gumbi.
Contact Details: 039 688 6314
185 Musgrave Road
Water Resource Management
Water Resource Management is responsible for for the blue-drop/green drop compliance, control centre management, water resource management, water conservation and demand management.
The Manager for Water Resource Management is Mr R Mlambo.
Contact Details
96 Marine Drive
Port Shepstone