Council resolves to reduce water tankers & Overtime
As part of the New Council’s turnaround strategy to help reduce financial constraints and work towards a financially viable municipality, Ugu District Municipality Councilresolved to reduce contracted water tankers and cut down on overtime expenditure.Although some of the changes would mean that communities are now going to bear the brunt of less resources in the interim, we are confident that our long-term strategy will bear fruitful results. For many years, there has been an outcry both from communities and council on the extensive use of water tankers provided by service providers, which were initially meant to complement the municipality’s fleet of water tankers.Ugu Water Tankers are divided as follows: Umuziwabantu (9) Ray Nkonyeni (14)Umzumbe and Umdoni (11). Currently, there are a total of 39 water tankers servicing a total of 86 wards. 22 of the tankers are from contractors. Overtime has also been reduced by council, this means there will be limited resources and repairs may be classified according to their nature of severity.Become a member of our facebook page by liking the’Ugu District Municipality’page to receive continuous and factual updates on matters concerning service delivery.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Acting Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr Mondli NcaneMondli.Ncane@ugu.websitesupport.co.za