Pipelined projects to provide much needed relief
While our municipality is tasked with developing and maintaining infrastructure to ensure that water services are delivered, amongst other services. Our municipality continues to face serious backlog in the infrastructure maintenance and rehabilitation necessary for providing potable water and sanitation services, as a result of severe financial and capacity constraints.Arguable, challenges in delivering services may be directly linked to issues of governance, planning and accountability with the essence that the need for good governance and technical capacity is essential to improving municipal functioning.It is for this reason that Ugu, has developed a plan to remedy the problems focusing on governance, financial management, infrastructure delivery and implementing turn around strategies that will solve the current water challenges once and for all.Over the past two years, we have been experiencing supply interruption challenges within the district due to water infrastructure breakdown at major infrastructure points. We recognise the need to immediately respond to the water interruptions in the District to stabilise water supply which has impact on communities, businesses, and tourism. Efforts have been delayed by inadequate funding for Repairs and Maintenance of Critical Water Infrastructures.We outline plans underway for various communities to solve water related issues, in three phases; short term interventions, long term interventions as well as medium term interventions.The following were outlined as Short term interventionsfor 2022:-Grant funding will be re-prioritized to implement mechanical infrastructure refurbishment at Bhobhoyi Water Treatment works; uMthavuna Water Treatment (MWTW)Works as well as linking pipeline to Umzimkhulu Off- Channel Storage Dam in order to immediately improve the efficiency of the existing infrastructure;-Upgrade of uMzimkhulu storage dam.- Upgrading of Eskom power at MWTW by June 2022;-Refurbishment of Mechanical, Electrical & ancillary works at St. Helen’s Rock pumpstation funded through COGTA Massification Grant by 2022.-Implementation of Springs & Boreholes at Umdoni, Umzumbe and Umuziwabantu Local Municipalities;- In the interim, the municipality is implementing a water rationing schedule to address the outcry of intermittent water supply in the areas of Umzinto, Gandinaghar, Farm Isonti, Mistake Farm, Amandawe, KwaCele, Dududu and Amahlongwa.Medium term interventions include:-By October 2022, the implementation of Raw Water Transfer system from Weza river to Harding Dam will be completed, the project began in February.-Construction of Phase 2B of the South Coast Pipeline from Kelso to Malangeni and Umdoni, will relieve the demand from the currently strained Umzinto Water Treatment Works;-Upgrades of Kwa-Lembe WTW to be completed by June 2024. This includes the construction of a Weir across Umkomaas River, Abstraction Point and construction of a new WTW;-Bulk Upgrades from Bhobhoyi Water Treatment Works to Marburg Command reservoirs funded through the Water Services Infrastructure Grant (WSIG) set for completion by September 2022;- Bulk upgrades from Kwa-Jali to Bazini, Ingele, Bhudlu areas of Umuziwabantu Local Municipality funded through (WSIG) to be completed by June 2022.Long-term interventions-Implementation of Cwabeni Off-Channel Storage Dam;-Upgrading of Mhlabashane Water Treatment Works;-Extension of South Coast Pipeline from Malangeni to Mthwalume and Hibberdene;-Implementation of Lower-Umkomaas Dam;-Upgrading of Vulamehlo Water Treatment Works.An Inter-Ministerial Committee to perform oversight over all these tasks has also been set by provincial government. This structure will be supported by a Technical Task team that meet every week as part of the War Room and report every second week to Council. The Ugu District Municipality remains committed to ensuring water uninterrupted water supply to our communities.Become a member of our facebook page by liking the’Ugu District Municipality’page to receive continuous and factual updates on matters concerning service delivery.ENDSISSUED BY:UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYFor more information and media queries contact:Acting Senior Manager: Mayoralty and CommunicationsMr Mondli NcaneMondli.Ncane@ugu.websitesupport.co.za